• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Spiders, Snakes, Bugs, and Bats!!

I want to crawl back into my bubble now please!

This is just a short update on day one (yesterday) with Daddy in Denver.


When hubby was leaving the house Monday morning at 3:30 a.m., I stood on the front porch with the light on. When I looked up there was something furry hanging from the ledge near the ceiling. It was at least the size of my first. I froze. There was another in the opposite corner. I slowly backed into the house and shut the door. (I almost didn’t open it to let hubby back in.) When I pointed them out to him, we both cowered behind the door peering out at the creatures. Neither of us had any idea what in the hell it could be.

After describing it to a friend, he suggested they could be bats! Bats! What are we the Adam’s Family?? What do you mean bats?

You may have already guessed that I have never seen a bat, so I prompted went to ask Mr. Google what they looked like. Low and behold, the images that appeared on my screen looked exactly like the hanging furry monsters I saw! I immediately wanted to call someone like Covenant Wildlife out to get them sorted and, above all, it confirmed just how much I want to move back home….skyscrapers and snowstorms please!

Spiders and Bugs!

I was complaining before left hubby that the yard needed to mowed, badly. He made sure it was done before he left for Denver. The baby loves to run around outside and I can’t go out there if the yard is over grown or there are bugs everywhere. I just can’t do it. Bugs land on me and I freak out when things touch me. Apparently, my doctor says that my nervous systems is always so vamped up that I am extremely sensitive to touch; textile sensitivities. (Big surprise!)

Most of the time I am alright. I try to stay indoors away from critters, mosquitoes, flies, gnats, ants, or anything else that might think to touch me. But I can’t let little guy stand by the porch door and bang his head on it because he wants to go out and Mommy won’t because she doesn’t like bugs! So outside we go…

The yard looks great and the baby heads right to the swing set dragging big brother along by his hand. My oldest comes running in to tell me that there is a ginormous (his words) spiderweb with a big orange and black spider in the center. Spiders! Crap!

Now I put on my brave mom face and get a broom. What could i do Aspie Daddy is in Denver? Armed with broom I march out there, swing it at the web like I am wielding a sword way to big for me, and proceed to beat the hell out of the spider on the ground until I was certain it is dead. It was.

You might think this is cruel and thinking that I should’ve left it; after all, they don’t live too long. Well, just How Long Do House Spiders Live? One to two years, which is one to two years too long for me! I can’t be living with these creepy crawlies around!

Then I looked up to see this:

Life with Asperger's Syndrome

And–it was not just him, he had friends! They were on the side of the play set like you see here, and underneath it hanging from the floorboards. I’d reached my limit. I don’t know what that is, nor I do I want to. Snatched the baby up and we were out of there. He cried and banged his head on the door for a while until I took him out for a car ride. My soon to be sister-in-law says she thinks it is a cicada, which eats bugs and other vegetation. I don’t care that things looks like it could eat me!


Little man’s school has a skate night once a month at Skateland USA. Tonight (Monday) was the first of this school year. So I’m making my way out of the house with tribe in tow. Little man is excited and looking forward to his skate party all day. My oldest is trying to carry the baby to the van who is kicking and screaming because he is overtired, and I am carrying the baby bag, dragging the stroller, purse, car keys, and anything else we could possibly need for the evening.

I step down two brick steps in front of our house and find a tiny snake! I screamed. I know–stop laughing. Luckily the thing was flat, so one of us must have already trampled over it! Day one and nature is taking over.

Jeannie Davide-Rivera

Jeannie is an award-winning author, the Answers.com Autism Category Expert, contributes to Autism Parenting Magazine, and the Thinking Person's Guide to Autism. She lives in New York with her husband and four sons, on the autism spectrum.

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