• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Phone Calls from School Are Way Too Stressful

Sometimes one little phone call can set off a whole chain of events. Yesterday I went out to grab a breakfast biscuit from Hardee’s; I usually hate breakfast food. Before I was has halfway through eating my biscuit I got a call from my 8-year old’s teacher; never a good …

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Juice recipe helped my nausea

The hungries have taken over! I’ve been hungry all week, and not just hungry, but starving! I’ve noticed that very shortly after I feel that hunger pang, I’m feeling sick. Feeling hungry is a fairly new sensation for me. I usually do not recognize when I’m hungry because I never …

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Asperger’s and Pregnancy; Sensory Issues

I have scoured the internet looking for what is written about asperger’s/autism and pregnancy and I could find nothing.  Being pregnant (again) with our fourth child, I think now is as good a time as any to start talking about pregnancy and autism. I found plenty of information claiming that …

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I Should Not Drive When I Don’t Feel Well

I’ve noticed a correlation between my driving and how overloaded I am feeling. When I am overloaded the sun is a little too bright even behind the clouds, my focus is divided, I miss my turns, and become jumpy when I hear car horns honk. I always feel like they …

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Autism and Dealing with Changes in Routine; The Magic of Obsessions

The Magic of Obsessions I have been silent for the past week. Why? The answer is two-fold. I do not take change very well, and I was working through a short temporary obsession. Does anyone else have those? Short-lived obsessions? Several times per year my husband needs to work a …

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Autism and Writing; Therapy and Theory of Mind Exercises

My decision to become a writer led to my autism diagnosis.  I decided one day that I wanted to write books, and writing quickly became my new special interest. The problem was that I was dreaming of writing fiction novel, and had no clue how to write them. This lead …

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Adults and Children with Autism tend to be Picky Eaters

Many of us with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have difficulty tolerating foods. There are several reasons for this, for our being seen as “picky eaters” from childhood. First, our acute sense of smell serves to warn us about foods that we are not going to like. My father used to …

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