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New Look; Same ol’ Aspie Writer

Aspie Writer

    YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE! Yay! (I think)

I’ve had a bug up my butt the past week. I wanted to do some other things with my blog.  Mostly, for now, I wanted to change the look, feel, and theme, but was unhappy with the templates in Blogger.  I could not get custom templates to work the way I wanted to so I went for the migration to WordPress.

After twelve grueling hours of trying just to get my domain name to switch over to WordPress and show me anything, I finally got it work (kind of) at 5 a.m. this morning.  The problem is that hubby was yelling at me to go to bed, and Tantrum Tot woke and was pulling me off the keyboard (big surprise there).

I probably would have stayed on the computer tinkering and not went to bed at all, but alas I gave in and got a few hours sleep and now I am at it again.

I’m still working on pages, and trying to figure out how to use WordPress, add widgets, and plugins (oh dear, what did I do to myself?).  Now I need advice again…

What do you think of the new theme? If you are on WordPress, are there any must have widgets, or plugins that you would suggest? Apparently this widget/plug in in stuff is more complicated than I had originally anticipated.  Either that, or and this is very likely, I have no idea where to look, or what I am doing.  Help!

OH, I almost forgot…feel free to test out my follow/subscribe plugin and stay posted on my latest madness!

Jeannie Davide-Rivera

Jeannie is an award-winning author, the Answers.com Autism Category Expert, contributes to Autism Parenting Magazine, and the Thinking Person's Guide to Autism. She lives in New York with her husband and four sons, on the autism spectrum.


  1. I love WordPress. Use it all the time not just for my own blogs, but for freelance websites I design. One suggestion I’d make (if your local computer runs WIndows) is to try out Windows Live Writer. It gives you an Office-like interface to write blog posts (including attaching photos) and can publish to your WordPress blog. It’s so much easier than using WordPress’ built in publishing tools.

    As far as plugins go, I’d recommend Tweet old post which lets you automatically tweet out links to random posts of yours. (You decide how often it should tweet and how old the posts can be. I have it set at every 4 hours and the last 2 weeks of posts.)

    I’d also recommend WPtouch to easily give your blog a mobile-friendly layout and WordPress Database Backup to maintain a backup of your WordPress Database. (This way, if something happens to your blog, you don’t lose everything.)

    • Thank so much! I do have Live Writer, I am going to give it a try for this blog. I was using it for the free wordpress site where I am blogging my book. Don’t know why I haven’t used it on this one. Probaby because I was not using on blogger. Thanks for that reminder…it is easier than writing inside WP. Going to try out these other pluggins you suggested now.. 🙂

  2. I keep it simple and just use Dashboard , Edit , Publish…I use their template. Mind you I’m only interested in putting Text can’t be naffed with putting Pictures in. Suppose if I had the time I might try new Featrues. Best of Luck

    • Thanks so much. I should learn how to keep things more simple, but I always over complicate things…LOL I am glad to see that my visitors getting about up to normal again today. I was worried that I really messed the whole thing up…LOL I really do like their templetes, although I wish I knew how to move things around a little bit more, but I don’t like working with the codes.

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