• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Putting On My Dressed-Up Feet

Tales of a Totally Ridiculous, Typically Aspie Me Today hubby and I traveled two and half hours down to Charleston, SC, to meet with a financial/budgeting counselor.  (This in my opinion was a colossal waste of time, and not an appointment I was looking forward to—but after my 150th(at least) …

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Lifting the Cloud of Loneliness: Anger and Writing

Writing Helps Lift the Clouds How my anger has helped… I’ve noticed that I have a limited range of intense emotions. An over-simplification would be to stay that I feel happy, sad, or angry. Anger is usually my ruling emotion. What I believe is happening, is that life’s complex emotions …

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One Black Shoe; One Blue Shoe: A Short Story, A Tribute

I usually do not publish my short stories on my blog. But I thought it appropriate today to post a short story that was written about this tradgic day in history eleven years ago.  It is dedicated to all those who lost their lives that day, and to those, who …

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Talking About Selective Mutism: What is your experience?

Let’s talk about Selective Mutism—I think this is a subject that many do not really know much about.   What is Selective Mutism? “Selective Mutism…is the temporary inability to speak. This is more than just being quiet, it is more like a seizure, and it physically hurts when this happens, …

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An Aspie’s Lonesome Reflection: Keeping Others at Arm’s Reach

  Why can’t I let anyone in? I keep so much of myself guarded. I do not share my life with people, not anything that is personal to me anyway. And when I say personal, I mean I don’t tell anyone I am working on a Bachelor’s Degree in English. …

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High Functioning My Ass-perger’s Part II: Massive Sensory Overload and Major Meltdown

Is it sensory overload, executive dysfunction, or plain old Stress? Lately I have been trying to figure myself out—again. The more I learn about Autism and how my brain works, the more I understand why I have difficulties in certain areas. I feel like I have the most difficulty keeping …

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Mr. Aspie Writer: Final Day on Solo Planet; Stuck in Washington!

     Just got the call that hubby is stuck in Washington D.C., he missed his connecting flight home!    Five minutes after I hung up this arrived for you all in my inbox.  I think he is having way too much fun keep you all updated. 🙂~Aspie Writer Captains log:   Stuck …

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Mr. Aspie Writer: Day Three on Solo Planet…"I am obsolete"

     This is hubby’s email update awaiting my posting this morning.       I see that he mentions the shower in his hotel being hospitable to my Aspie senses.  Just to clarify, I think he has it backwards.  Showers that with a strong, firm, beat the hell out of me water …

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Mr. Aspie Writer: Day Two on Solo Planet

     Daddy in Denver; Day Two, didn’t go too badly.  I few unexpected phone calls and personal issues to deal with sent me for a loop for other than that  the kids behaved and we got through the day without any major catastrophes.  Buddy, on the other hand, almost caused …

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What I learned from being punished in school

Sights, Sounds, and Asperger’s: What I learned from sitting in the hallways at school. I came across this post today on Parenting with Asperger’s Syndrome, Reasons Why Your Child Might Meltdown atSchool , and it got me thinking. Since I‘ve been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome(AS), which many of you already …

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