• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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I Get on My Own Nerves When I Cannot Express How I Feel, or Why

I had a plan. I was going to get up, get something accomplished, do some writing, work on a paper that is due this weekend, shower, dress, and head to the bookstore just to get the heck out of the house for a little while. One hour later, I am staring …

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Speech and Language Evaluation; Speech and Developmental Delays

     About a month ago, Tantrum Tot, my 23 month old, had his initial autism screening during a well-baby appointment at the pediatricians office.  The result conveyed was extremely high risk. The pediatrician made an appointment for us to have a speech and language evaluation while we wait for an …

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Talking About Selective Mutism: What is your experience?

Let’s talk about Selective Mutism—I think this is a subject that many do not really know much about.   What is Selective Mutism? “Selective Mutism…is the temporary inability to speak. This is more than just being quiet, it is more like a seizure, and it physically hurts when this happens, …

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Learning American Idioms

Don’t Tell me the sky is the limit when we have left footprints on the moon! American Idioms Drive Me up the Hall What is an idiom? English is a very hard language to learn. This is why so many parents teach their little children English (or 小さい 子供 英語) …

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