• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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The Literal-Minded ASD Child; Taking What You Say Literally

Being mindful of the words you use when speaking to your ASD child can be exhausting, but so can the meltdown that follows misinterpretations. Understanding how their highly literal minds process the words is crucial. Why Do ASD Children Misinterpret Language? The “normal”, “neuro-typical” child without an autism spectrum disorder …

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Temperature Regulation – Why Does My Autistic Child Refuse To Wear A Coat?

Many children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders experience a multitude of sensory symptoms. These sensory processing integration issues or sensory processing disorder (SPD) can include issues relating to temperature regulation. The person with Autism may not be able to adequately adapt to changing temperatures, and/or may not feel temperatures …

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7 Positive Traits of Asperger’s Syndrome

There is so much focus on the difficulties and disabilities of those of us on the autism spectrum, let’s for a moment focus on the positive! Focus Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome are known for their ability to focus on tasks for long period of times without the need for supervision. …

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10 Things Your Autistic Child Wants You To Know

Many autistic children remain misunderstood both by the world around them and even by their parents, teachers, and caregivers. Accurately expressing their thoughts and feelings is an inherent problem for those with autism spectrum disorders; therefore, it can be difficult to understand their behaviors. I am not having a tantrum …

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Clumsiness Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders—Poor Proprioception

Why do some children and adults with Autism have difficulty keeping their feet underneath them, or applying the correct amount of pressure when lifting an object? Why do they seem to walk into a room like an elephant in a china shop, or send the milk container flying across the …

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Autism and Face-Blindness: Facial Recognition Difficulties in Autism

Prosopagnosia, also known as “facial agnosia” or “face-blindness,” is a neurological disorder that makes facial recognition difficult or impossible. Two thirds of autistic children and adults have some degree of face-blindness. Why do people with Autism have trouble recognizing faces? We do not see with our eyes, we “see” with …

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Stimming in Autism; Why it is a Good Thing

There is often talk about ways to eliminate an autistic child from engaging in self-stimulatory behaviors, or “stimming” indicating that these repetitive behaviors and movements are undesirable, or non-functional and should be eradicated. The truth is that stimming is desirable, pleasurable, and necessary to the autistic individual. What is stimming? …

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Asperger’s Syndrome / Autism Traits – How Can I Tell if Someone Has Asperger’s?

Asperger’s Syndrome is a high-functioning form of Autism, and is one of the developmental disorders considered to be a part of the Autism Spectrum. It is called a “spectrum disorder” because there are a wide array of signs, symptoms, and autistic traits that affect each person differently. Not every person …

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What is my problem? Crankiness continues…

I am not sure exactly what was wrong with me yesterday.  It was beautiful out—30 degrees—sunny—yes, 30 was a heat wave here, the Teen watched the boys while Hubby and I went to lunch and grocery shopping without ANY children!  It was a very nice afternoon, but when I returned …

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How will the autism service dog help the Tot?

  What does an Autism Service Dog do? This is a question I have received a lot over the past two weeks. I can tell you that having a service dog is not a miracle cure.  It is a lot of work (as is having any dog), and it takes …

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