• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Autistic Adults – Part III: Additional Difficulties

In the first two parts of this three part article series describing the symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) as it appears in adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders both hyper-reactivity and hypo-reactivity to sensory stimuli was discussed. So prevalent are these symptoms of SPD in those with Autism Spectrum Disorders …

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Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Autistic Adults – Part II: Hypo-Reactivity

In part one of this series hyper-reactivity or over-stimulation of sensory stimuli is described as it appears in many adults with autism. Although hyper-sensitivities are very common in autism, hypo-sensitivities to sensory stimuli can be just as prevalent. Hypo-reactivity exists when the sensory system is under-stimulated by external stimuli, and …

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Symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Autistic Adults – Part I: Hyper-Reactivity

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is commonly found among those with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Like Autism, SPD is a neurological disorder which affects the way the brain processes sensory stimuli, such as sights, sounds, taste, touch, and smells. Difficulties can be with general sensory modulation or by being over or under …

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Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Autism

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is extremely common in those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. In fact, those with Autism commonly struggle with all kinds of sensory processing issues. SPD can be diagnosed without having an Autism Spectrum Disorder; however, those with Autism almost always struggle with SPD. What Is Sensory …

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The Literal-Minded ASD Child; Taking What You Say Literally

Being mindful of the words you use when speaking to your ASD child can be exhausting, but so can the meltdown that follows misinterpretations. Understanding how their highly literal minds process the words is crucial. Why Do ASD Children Misinterpret Language? The “normal”, “neuro-typical” child without an autism spectrum disorder …

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Best Autism Blogs from Dad’s Perspectives

There are many resources for learning more about Autism that can be found online. One of the most useful resources are blogs, where you get a fresh perspective from every-day life and people who live with and raise children with Autism. This list of blogs is unique because they are …

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Practical Help for Adults with Asperger’s

Unfortunately there are very little resources available for adults living with autism spectrum disorders. Adults effected by autism or Asperger’s Syndrome tend to go undiagnosed because they have learned to “blend in” with the world around them. Blending, however, does not negate the fact that these adults experience severe and …

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Temperature Regulation – Why Does My Autistic Child Refuse To Wear A Coat?

Many children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders experience a multitude of sensory symptoms. These sensory processing integration issues or sensory processing disorder (SPD) can include issues relating to temperature regulation. The person with Autism may not be able to adequately adapt to changing temperatures, and/or may not feel temperatures …

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6 Misconceptions Educators Have About Children with High-Functioning Autism and How You Can Respond

Dealing with the public school system and educators can be challenging. Knowing how to advocate for your child with high-functioning autism can be difficult at best especially because much of the child’s disabilities may be “hidden”. These hidden disabilities, the ones that are not readily seen by adults can be …

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7 Positive Traits of Asperger’s Syndrome

There is so much focus on the difficulties and disabilities of those of us on the autism spectrum, let’s for a moment focus on the positive! Focus Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome are known for their ability to focus on tasks for long period of times without the need for supervision. …

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