• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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How will the autism service dog help the Tot?

  What does an Autism Service Dog do? This is a question I have received a lot over the past two weeks. I can tell you that having a service dog is not a miracle cure.  It is a lot of work (as is having any dog), and it takes …

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The Tot Needs Help!

Despite all the therapy he is receiving in school, speech and ten hours of ABA therapy a week, the Tot seems to be regressing in some areas. My biggest concerns are his emotional regulation; anxiety, clinginess, irritability,increasingly violent and frequent meltdowns; frequent attacks on his brothers (particularly my-ten-year old); and  …

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Meltdowns: when you fear they will hurt themselves

Some meltdowns are so violent that they require physical restraint to ensure the Tot doesn’t hurt himself. After coming home yesterday devoid of words, the Tot lounged on the sofa with his pillow and sippy cup watching Dora. Slowly his speech returned I’m assuming after he had enough time to …

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My Day–the Tot’s Tantrums–I need a do over!

Tantrum Tot is getting worse,; I think. But there are some oddities to his tantrum-ing behavior that really has me raising an eyebrow. Today, I kept him home from daycare because for some reason he has gone from loving the place to begging me to stay home, and my heart …

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