• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Liar Liar Pants on Fire! Why do we believe them?

Lies: Do girl’s with Asperger’s Syndrome believe lies too easily? I had been reading 2012 Top Autism Blog picks today when I came across Amy Grovino’s blog: Amy’s Tiny Corner of Existence. I found it to be a fantastic blog written by a talented writer with Asperger’s Syndrome. After reading …

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High Functioning My Ass-perger’s! Part I: Sensory Issues

Do other Mom’s with Asperger’s Syndrome have difficulty with everyday household chores? Sometimes I get so tired of feeling like I should just be able to do things that I cannot seem to do! If all the difficulties aren’t enough, my extreme sensory issues have to be at the top …

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Stupid Wizard—Get out of my head!

Just stories running through my head, or my subconscious trying to make me listen? Have you ever been lectured by a fictional character? You know, when things in life are going wrong, or you are thinking about something, or just plain walking through the supermarket and characters repeat lines in …

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I Married an Aspie – A husband’s perspective on Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome, A husband’s Perspective (A post by Mr. Aspie Writer) My wife asked me to write a brief blog post for our anniversary. I was shocked and honored. Shocked that she would ask me to contribute to her blog and honored that she would include me in this very personal …

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Autism: Sensory Overload and Fevers

Does having a fever help stop a full-blown meltdown or shutdown? Can it lesson or control sensory overload? Mayday! Mayday! Meltdown Imminent! I have been running an unexplained low-grade fever for the past few weeks. The only connection I am noticing is that they come on the heels of over …

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