• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Aspies do not lack empathy; we crave it.

Asperger’s and Empathy: Why do you people believe we lack empathy? I’ve been thinking about the common misconception that those with Asperger’s Syndrome do not have empathy; that we cannot be empathetic.  It drives me crazy when I hear that those on the autism spectrum lack empathy because it simply …

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Why you should never ask an Aspie, "How are you doing today?"

I don’t know if my issue with this question is related to social expectations and my reaction to making these social blunders, or if I can’t get past my literal-mindedness and need to provide answers to questions. But–if you want to stop me dead in my tracks, just ask, “How …

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My Awesome Aspie Teen: Praising the Good Stuff

I spend so much time complaining about the annoying stuff, and discussing deficits struggles that many times I forget mention the good stuff–the things that make my wonderful Aspie child kind, thoughtful, different, and absolutely awesome.  How many 13-year-old boys worry about their moms being tired and not getting enough …

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I have Super-powers! My son’s impression of Mom

Super Powers Aspies and Alphas As I was sitting at my computer tinkering with Facebook today, I could hear my 13-year-old son cackling at something in the living room.  He laughed so hard that he fell off the sofa. Half out of breath, he comes running into the room. “Mom, …

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Lifting the Cloud of Loneliness: Anger and Writing

Writing Helps Lift the Clouds How my anger has helped… I’ve noticed that I have a limited range of intense emotions. An over-simplification would be to stay that I feel happy, sad, or angry. Anger is usually my ruling emotion. What I believe is happening, is that life’s complex emotions …

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One Black Shoe; One Blue Shoe: A Short Story, A Tribute

I usually do not publish my short stories on my blog. But I thought it appropriate today to post a short story that was written about this tradgic day in history eleven years ago.  It is dedicated to all those who lost their lives that day, and to those, who …

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Talking About Selective Mutism: What is your experience?

Let’s talk about Selective Mutism—I think this is a subject that many do not really know much about.   What is Selective Mutism? “Selective Mutism…is the temporary inability to speak. This is more than just being quiet, it is more like a seizure, and it physically hurts when this happens, …

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High Functioning My Ass-perger’s Part II: Massive Sensory Overload and Major Meltdown

Is it sensory overload, executive dysfunction, or plain old Stress? Lately I have been trying to figure myself out—again. The more I learn about Autism and how my brain works, the more I understand why I have difficulties in certain areas. I feel like I have the most difficulty keeping …

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