• Understanding Autism from the Inside

    “Academics came easily to me. The rest of life—not so much.”
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Long Day at UMSC, Charleston—Developmental Pediatrician

As most of you already know, 9 months ago Tantrum Tot was evaluated by his pediatrician (at 21 months) with a tentative (we suspect autism type of diagnosis).  Then he was sent to Speech and Hearing, where he was evaluated and diagnosed with a severe repetitive, expressive speech delay, and …

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Sensory Issues Can De-rail Your Whole Day

I had a plan; I did. After an awful night’s sleep which usually contributes to my enormous sensitivities the next day, I woke with the plan to get the rest of this week’s school work finished, write a few articles whose deadlines are staring me in the face, and then …

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MMR Vaccines and an Autism Connection? What to believe…

I read an interesting article today about a ruling in an Italian court that held the MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine did in fact cause autism and the court awarded monetary compensation to the family. The article got me thinking about the whole subject again and my experience with this …

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They Changed the Menu and I wanted to run!

Last week the boys decided they wanted Chinese Food for dinner. Whenever we order something from a restaurant, it is always the same restaurant, and we order the same items. If we want something different we would not go to the Food Court, we would got to another Chinese take-out …

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More on changes to Autism Diagnositc Criteria in the DSM-V: BBC News Article

From BBC News Magazine: “The biggest changes for many in DSM-5 was the news that disorders related to autism that previously had their own category – such as Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified – will now all be classified as one diagnosis, Autism Spectrum …

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Mommy is Melting: Heat, Hormones, and Overload

The Heat and the Hormones Yesterday just was not a good day. It began at 7 a.m. with a whiny, cranky, Tantrum Tot (2) waking me up by smacking me and saying “Bad, bad.” Don’t know what Mom did this morning, but whatever it was, it is bad! Maybe he …

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Depression and Asperger’s Syndrome

An except from Twirling Naked in the Streets and No-One Noticed… Children and adults on the autism spectrum are prone to depression-I certainly am. Research has shown that nearly 65% of people with autism or Asperger’s Syndrome present with symptoms of depression. The depression usually develops in late adolescence and …

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Night Terrors and Autism: Night Terrors are Not Just for Children

Night Terror or Nightmare? Aren’t they the same thing? The simple answer is-no. Nightmares happen during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, during that time where you are in the twilight area of your sleep, on the cusp of being asleep and awake-during light sleep. That same is not so for …

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Proprioception and autism

An except from Twirling Naked in the Streets and No-One Noticed… So why can I not keep my feet underneath me, or apply the correct amount of pressure when lifting an object? Why do I walk into a room like an elephant in a china shop, or send the milk contain …

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Adult Autism Hurt

An except from Twirling Naked in the Streets and No-One Noticed… Childhood was fleeting. I’d entered the adult world, but try as I might to tread water the current continued to pull me under. The world around me was changing—swiftly.  Old friends were growing, beginning careers, and starting families while I floundered. …

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